What Time is It Baby

#munch #wendwellnessmunchouttime #wendwellness #foodie #food #homecooked #healthy #healthymeals #healthydelicious #healthydeliciousness #delicious 1w Read More

Foods contain that causes cancer

Name one thing both of these foods contain that causes cancer..
#cancer #bacon #hotdogs #nitrates #sodiumnitrates #potassiumnitrates #wendwellness
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What's Good For Allergies

Happy birthday Deep!! Disclaimer: this isn’t medical advice
#allergies #allergiesgotmelike #allergiessuck #seasonalallergies #allergyfree #wellness #wendwellness #nigellasativa #blackcumin #blackseed #vitamind #vitaminc #zinc #spirulina #pea #bromelain #honey #localhoney
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Running Form

#running #runners #cardio #runningform #wendwellness
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The Domino Effect OF Antibiotics

Disclaimer: Not medical advice
#probiotics #synbiotics #prebiotics #immunity #vitamind #vitaminc #zinc #illness #immunity #wellness #wendwellness #sick
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Heavy Metals(Part 1)

Heavy metals like mercury, arsenic, and lead can accumulate in the body and cause a wide array of negative health effects ranging from headaches and organ damage to death.
Symptoms could present as things like fatigue, headaches, nausea, vomiting.
Can be tested for via urinalysis.
Some good foods for heavy metal detox: Blueberries Probiotics Lemon water Green tea Garlic Curry Cilantro Chlorella Spirulina Tomatoes Deficiencies in B Vitamins and Vitamin C are associated with poor tolerance of heavy metals and increased the risk of heavy metal toxicity.
Avoid: Brown rice (often contains arsenic) Large fish Inorganic foods Alcohol
#wendwellness #heavymetals #heavymetaldetox #doctor
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Heavy Metals(Part 2)

Heavy metals like mercury, arsenic, and lead can accumulate in the body and cause a wide array of negative health effects ranging from headaches and organ damage to death.
Symptoms could present as things like fatigue, headaches, nausea, vomiting.
Can be tested for via urinalysis.
Some good foods for heavy metal detox: Blueberries Probiotics Lemon water Green tea Garlic Curry Cilantro Chlorella Spirulina Tomatoes Deficiencies in B Vitamins and Vitamin C are associated with poor tolerance of heavy metals and increased the risk of heavy metal toxicity.
Avoid: Brown rice (often contains arsenic) Large fish Inorganic foods Alcohol
#wendwellness #heavymetals #heavymetaldetox #doctor
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Happy belated birthday Janine Delaney!!! Cysts

Cysts are sacs filled with fluid/pus (most common), air, or other substances. They can occur due to trauma, infection, or other issues. Treatment: Most self-resolve, however if they’re large/painful, interfere with daily functioning, and don’t self resolve over the course of weeks to months, then you can see a doctor for resolution. Don’t try to pop or slam the cyst with a book! At-home remedies: Note, the only at-home remedy that has even some slight scientific backing, is placing a warm compress over the cyst to thin the synovial fluid and help it drain back into the lymphatic system. Other potentially helpful topical self-treatment options that have antimicrobial and/or astringent properties include: * Aloe Vera * Apple cider vinegar (mix with equal parts of water) * Tea tree oil * Castor oil * Witch hazel * Honey * Turmeric Note: Research exactly how to make the paste for all aforementioned topical treatments before utilizing any of them, and make sure you aren’t allergic prior to use. This isn’t medical advice, go see your doctor if you have a cyst that is discolored, painful, or interfering with daily activities of living. #cyst #cysts #cystitis #cysttreatment #cystremoval #wendwellness Read More

Happy birthday Mathias Rivers🤝 Part A

9/2/24 Ashwagandha for Exercise Current evidence suggests: Increases VO2 max Probably increases muscle strength Might increase muscle size No effect on power output VO2 max: the maximum amount of oxygen you can utilize. Difference between power output and strength: Strength: ability to overcome resistance. Power output: ability to overcome resistance in the shortest period of time. Takes into account explosiveness. Study: 8 week RCT involving 73 healthy-active adults given 300 mg ashwagandha 2x per day. Results: Significant increase in VO2 max (marker of aerobic fitness). Small increase in muscle size. Likely mechanisms by which ashwagandha increases VO2 max: Hormones (testosterone) Hemoglobin increase Stress resistance (lowers cortisol) Previous research this year showed: Improves: Cortisol levels & sleep: not dose dependent Stress/lowers alpha amylase levels, anxiety, depression: dose dependent Read More